August 25th – National Secondhand Wardrobe Day with Stephen Warley

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Podcast Recommendations for National Secondhand Wardrobe Day

Today’s guest is Stephen Warley, host of the Life Skills That Matter podcast.

Use #SecondhandWardrobeDay for all things related to this day. 

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Podcast Gumbo is produced by Paul Kondo each week. Paul also writes the Podcast Gumbo newsletter where he recommends 3 unique podcast episodes every Wednesday.

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Paul can be found on Twitter at @paulkondo.

If you didn’t know, I am Paul. 


Hey. This is Paul Kondo. This is the Podcast Gumbo podcast and I’ve got a rhetorical question for ya.

Are you like me and find those things we call National Days, like Cheeseball Day or worse, Moldy Cheese Day, amusing? Yeah, me too. So each week, I’ll have one of my podcast friends challenge me to find an episode related to one of those days and I’ll be releasing it on the actual day it occurs. 

So, let’s get to it. What is today’s National Day?

Hey there, Stephen Warley here and I can not wait to learn more about National Secondhand Wardrobe Day. Personally, I’m a minimalist and I always love looking for ways to save money, save the environment, and reduce stuff that I probably realize I don’t need. 

Yeah, Stephen, I remember talking about sparking joy and decluttering the first time we met in a pub in Dorcester. Since that time, I made a major move and I purged multiple bags of clothes. It’s quite evident since I wear the same 6 shirts. I’ve always been known as a fashion-not so there was no real downside in my purge.

Today, August 25th is National Secondhand Wardrobe Day. Perhaps you can share some fashionable secondhand clothes you have purchased, whether you did it to save a little money or to be more sustainable. Both reasons are perfect. Show them off using the Secondhand Wardrobe Day hashtag.

For today’s related recommendation, I recommend The Magic Thrifting Powers of Bay Garnett – How to Shop Second-Hand (& why you should) from the Wardrobe Crisis podcast. You will get tips and tricks from the thrifting queen. They talk about how things have changed over the last 20 years and how giving clothes multiple lives is more important than ever for environmental reasons. 

Today’s guest is Stephen Warley. Stephen hosts the Life Skills That Matter podcast. I will say that Stephen is one of the more prolific podcasters I know. He cranks out a weekly podcast without fail, even while he is traveling all over the world. Stephen interviews solopreneurs who give tips on how to succeed and also provide inspiration while being self-employed. It’s tough to pick one episode to recommend so I’m going to take the easy way out and recommend looking at his episode descriptions to find something that resonates with you. 

For our third recommendation, Stephen recommends Shoe Stories from Early America from the Ben Franklin’s World podcast. Stephen says, and I quote: “The fast fashion trend is making us lose touch with ourselves because we no longer value the stories our clothes share about us. Buying well-made clothes and taking care of them express our deeper values, opposed to chasing after endless micro fashion trends that chip away at our unique identities.” Unquote.

For today’s Extra Hot Sauce, I’m just going to share a little story. Stephen previously co-hosted the UnStuckable podcast which is how I initially learned about him. I was interviewed for the podcast but it was never posted as Stephen and his co-host decided on a strategy change. Stephen could’ve made history with my first podcast appearance. Probably a great choice by him. 

As always, take a look at the show notes for links to all the podcasts mentioned in this episode as well as other life-altering information. To make it easy for you, there’s also a link to a podcast playlist that will contain all the episodes ever mentioned in this show. 

See you next week sometime for another round of recommendations. 

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